Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Destination Weddings

It has become more and more of a trend in the past few years to have a "Destination Wedding". It is not only trendy, but can also be very practical. It is an amazing way to get just a small intimate group together to celebrate your special moment with. Not only that, but you can do it without offending the masses you HAVE TO invite. Whoever is closest to you and wouldn't miss it for the world, will be there.....Isn't that ideal? Now, it is no silver bullet, it takes a lot of work and planning, and it can also be expensive. Not to mention, the expense that you put on your guests. So, what I recommend if you are thinking about a destination wedding, is to take the following steps for narrowing down locations:
  • Make sure you have been to the place before - first hand experience is priceless.
  • Try and find other brides who have been married there in the past, or are further along in the process than you are, to get reviews from: is excellent for this!!
  • Look into weather/best time of year for travel
  • Check airfare, peak timings, how many airlines fly non-stop from the cities that most your guests are from
  • Try and calculate total cost per guest that attends that THEY will incur, and rule out locations based upon this
  • Choose a place that people would WANT to go to and visit and see things
  • If travel time is long, try and plan it on a long weekend
  • Last but not least....make sure the immediate families are ok with this, or can be convinced that it is what will make you and your fiance happy. Though you are the star of your wedding, your family has a lot vested in it as well, and can make it easier or harder for you depending if they are on-board with the plan or not!

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